Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Key to a Happy Marriage...

I am sitting here, with our lighted Christmas tree in my peripheral, reflecting on the things Dr. C. Richard Chidester shared, in a combined adult session at church today, talking about “The Importance of Relationships.”

He talked about how we, as human beings, have to feel bonded to someone / something as a primal emotional need.

He discussed with us how important the “bonds” are with one’s spouse and how, if those bonds are not met within the marital relationship, people began to stray.  

As I understand it, this idea of “straying” doesn’t always mean a sexual affair with a person of the opposite sex but people WILL bond with others, and other things, outside the marriage (i.e. friends, children, work, exercise, eating and of course people of the opposite sex, etc.)

Though basic, it rings true as I view the relationship I have with Holly and then as I look at relationships within my own circles. 

The presence, or lack, of an emotional connection with one’s spouse is where you’ll see the growth, or dissolution, of the relationship.  Emotions override cognition, so for a marriage to be truly happy there must be an emotional bond, not just a “wish list” of traits checked off of a “What I Want in a Spouse” list.

More to come from today's discussion.

1 comment:

  1. interesting.
    Sounds like a great meeting, I'd love to hear more.
